Paediatric ophthalmology

ZLATA Children’s Clinic welcomes its youngest visitors!

What could be more precious than the sparkle in your child's happy eyes?

The pediatric comprehensive examination includes:

OOur clinic provides possibilities of ophthalmological examination of children from 0-3 years of age. In our work we use modern methods and developments in the field of pediatric ophthalmology.

In a comfortable and friendly atmosphere, we will perform individual diagnostics of your child – we will determine the visual acuity of each eye (separately check distant and near vision). Even the shyest and capricious child participates in our examination game with great interest, not noticing that during this fun game we learn everything about his/her wonderful eyes!
That is why you can entrust us with the most precious thing of all – your children’s health! Give them all the brightest colours of life! And we will be glad to help you with that! Call us and get detailed information about our special offer.

Over the years we have provided hundreds of thousands of eye care services.

By choosing “German Eye Clinic”, you can be sure of the service quality we provide, as you entrust your eyesight to a state-of-the-art clinic.

Orthoptic treatment programmers:

Orthoptic treatment is only available to patients who have undergone a diagnostic examination at the clinic as recommended by the ophthalmologists, and after surgical correction of strabismus carried out at the clinic.


Course objective

  • Adaptation of the child to daily occlusion
  • Stimulation of compliance and motivation of the child and parents for long term visual therapy
  • Achieving maximum correctable visual acuity in far and near vision
  • Consolidation of visual stability over time
  • Development of binocular vision
  • Stimulation of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination system in pre-school children
  • Achieving the visual acuity of the child at the level of the age norm
  • Increasing brain plasticity, maturity, and readiness for schooling

Training devices used

  • Personalized occlusion therapy* (individual calculation of the occlusion time in relation to the amblyopia degree and the age of the child)
  • LED retinal stimulator SRS-1
  • Software complex “Oculist” (Pleoptics-2, Galaxy-3, Tir-3, Ice-2, Crosses-2, Darts-2, Eye


  • Presence of any degree of amblyopia or visual function retardation from the age norm
  • Lack of compliance, intolerance to wearing glasses or occlusion therapy at home
  • Lack of binocular vision

Class duration

30-40 minutes daily

Course duration

10-15 lessons

Frequency of training sessions



Issuance of a report with complete objective data on the dynamics of visual acuity gain in the far and near amblyopic eye, as well as the condition of binocular vision at the end of the course


Course objective

  • Development and consolidation of bifixation
  • Training of fusion reserves
  • In the presence of stable fusion – development of stereoscopic depth of vision

Used training devices

  • Synoptophore
  • Computer program “Blade” with the use of haploscopic glasses with color filters
  • Oculist software package (Eye, Zebra, Stereopsis programs)
  • Combined prismatic instrument “Bernell-o-Scope


  • Partial-accommodative and accommodative convergent strabismus
  • Convergent latent strabismus with an unstable angle of deviation
  • Development of bifoveolar fusion after surgical correction of strabismus

Course duration

30-40 minutes daily

Course duration

10-15 sessions

Frequency of training

Quarterly, 2-4 times a year

Evaluation of results

Issuance of a report with complete objective data on the dynamics of orthoptical status and binocular vision at the end of the course

Amblyopia + Strabismus

Course objective

  • Adaptation of the child to daily occlusion, improvement of compliance with long-term visual therapy
  • Achieving maximum corrected visual acuity in far and near vision
  • Consolidation of the stability of visual function
  • Development and consolidation of bifixation, binocular vision and stereoscopic vision
  • Training of fusion reserves

Training devices in use

  • Personalized occlusion therapy* (individual calculation of the occlusion time in relation to the amblyopia degree and the age of the child)
  • LED retinal stimulator CPC-1
  • Oculist software package (“Pleoptics”, “Galaxy”, “Tir”, “Ice”, “X”, “Eye”)
  • Synoptophore
  • Computer program “Blade” with application of haploscopic glasses with color filters
  • Combined prismatic instrument “Bernell-o-Scope


  • Presence of any degree of amblyopia, intolerance to occlusal therapy at home
  • Lack of binocular vision
  • Partially occlusive and accommodative strabismus
  • Divergent latent strabismus with an unstable angle of deviation
  • Bifoveolar fusion after strabismus surgery

Course duration

30-40 minutes daily

Course duration

10-15 sessions

Frequency of training

Quarterly or individually as indicated

Assessment of results

Issuing of a statement with objective data on the dynamics of visual acuity increase in far and near vision of the amblyopic eye, as well as the condition of binocular vision at the end of the course

Prices for children ophthalmic examination

Diagnosis of eye diseases in children

ServicePrice in UAH
Comprehensive inspection
for children aged 3 to 16 years
all examinations on ophthalmic devices and a doctor's consultation with an examination of the fundus are included (duration up to two hours)

Examination includes: determining the correspondence of the visual functions of the child to the age norm, video recording of the position of the eyes in case of strabismus, determining the dynamics of the growth of the eyeball, accurate diagnosis of the presence of astigmatism according to topographic data, determining the refraction of the eyes in conditions of fractional cycloplegia, a detailed examination of the fundus in conditions of cycloplegia, selection of the current spectacle correction, consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist, recommendations for treatment and follow-up periods.
Vision screening before the start of the school year (schoolchildren)900
+ issue of certificate

Examination includes: refractometry without cycloplegia, determination of visual acuity of the child according to the test corresponding to his age, determination of visual acuity with trial correction, determination of the presence of stereo vision (Lang standard test). Screening allows you to determine in a relatively short time: in a child, the age norm, vision is reduced, amblyopia of one or both eyes, the presence of astigmatism, the absence of binocular vision. If these violations are detected, the child is recommended to make an appointment for a full diagnostic examination in a planned manner. Please note that the format of the screening examination does not provide for a medical opinion, a certificate is issued for the school.
Vision screening for patients aged 3-4 years1000
(before DDU) + issuance of a certificate

The purpose of the examination is an attempt to determine the visual functions of the child, to identify the difference between both eyes - the formation of amblyopia ("lazy" eye). This examination also includes video recording of the position of the child's eyes during fixation. Early screening is especially recommended for babies in the presence of ophthalmic pathology and spectacle correction in older children in the family.
Examination after screening1000

Children's ophthalmology is often asked

Friendly and professional children’s ophthalmologists of the “German Eye Clinic” medical center will consult and conduct a complete hardware diagnostic examination of small patients aged three years and older.

Preventive examinations of healthy children are carried out at the polyclinic at the place of residence at one month and one year.

Preventive medical examinations in kindergartens and schools are aimed at detecting only gross, pronounced pathology. Therefore, the initial stages of such serious conditions as amblyopia, strabismus, astigmatism, retinoblastoma, etc. cannot be detected during preventive medical examinations. Based on modern world experience, we recommend an annual full examination of the child’s visual system for early detection and timely treatment of all eye diseases.

Young patients do not complain of eye problems, so parents should be especially attentive if:

  • the child often rubs his eyes;
  • closes one eye on the street;
  • does not follow a moving object;
  • the child often has red eyes;
  • in children, the eye deviates in any direction, even not constantly;
  • the child tilts or turns his head when looking straight;
  • the child’s eyes twitch, not even constantly;
  • the child has diabetes;
  • the right eye differs from the left in any way (size, appearance, pupil diameter);
  • in flash photos of a child, one pupil glows pink and the other glows white;
  • any eye injury occurred.

If you have detected any of the listed symptoms in your child, you should contact the pediatric ophthalmologist of our center.

Of course you can. The “German Eye Clinic” has in its arsenal generally accepted and reliable tests Lea and Cardiff, which allow to assess visual acuity in children of any age, regardless of whether the small patient speaks.

Instillation of drops to dilate the pupil is necessary for the correct assessment of the optical properties of the eye and for a complete examination of the fundus (retina and optic nerve). The “German Eye Clinic” uses special drops that practically do not irritate the eyes and do not cause allergic or adverse reactions. After such an examination, the child does not need to be released from the school load for the next day.

Most often, yes. Usually, such complaints arise due to “hidden” farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism. In such a situation, the child should be examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

No, it can’t. If strabismus is not treated in a timely manner, the child’s visual system will be grossly and irreversibly disturbed in the future. In the future, such imperfect vision limits the life and professional activity of a young person. The team of specialists of our center is able to timely detect and cure strabismus in the smallest patient.

If the child has a violation of the optical power of the eye (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism), then glasses are the main “medicine” and give the small patient the opportunity to grow and develop properly. With farsightedness, as the child grows, the glasses weaken, and it is possible to get rid of them completely. Myopia and astigmatism of any degree will be guaranteed to be corrected for the patient after reaching the age of 18 by means of laser correction. Our specialists are unsurpassed leaders in the field of laser vision correction.

You can. The “German Eye Clinic” has a complex of modern, highly effective devices for the treatment of amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the pediatric ophthalmologist will prescribe an individual treatment and prevention program for your child.