Before the operation, you must undergo a full examination by an ophthalmologist. It is advisable to have discharges from previous examinations and previous surgical interventions at the doctor’s examination. Before a possible surgical intervention, the doctor corrects and treats all existing eye diseases and may prescribe additional examinations by other medical specialists.

When the necessary preparatory period is completed, you and your doctor create an individual comfortable treatment plan, undergo preoperative examinations, and schedule the day of surgery. Together with the anesthesiologist, during the preoperative examination, a comfortable method of anesthesia is chosen and the nuances of preoperative preparation are discussed.

After the operation, the eye may be covered with a bandage. The bandage remains on the eye until the next day’s follow-up examination. You agree with the operating room nurse on the time of arrival for the follow-up examination.

The next day, you come to the German Eye Clinic for the first follow-up examination at the appointed time. You will be escorted to the surgical department, where the surgeon will assess the condition of your eye and schedule the next examination.

After the surgery, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Postoperative eye protection: for the first 3 weeks you should not touch the eye with your hands (scratch, rub, press, etc.), you can stay indoors without a bandage and sunglasses; for a month after the operation, you need sunglasses when going out in any weather.
  2. Personal hygiene: in the postoperative period, it is advisable not to wash your hair and face for 1 week after the operation, preventing the ingress of soap solution into the operated eye. You can take a shower immediately, but not above the chin. Visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools, and swimming in open water are prohibited for a month after surgery.
  3. Restrictions on physical activity: within a month after the operation, exclude prolonged bending of the torso and head (mopping the floor without a mop, hand washing, gardening, etc.), strength and game sports, lifting weights over 10 kg for men and 5 kg for women.

Upon completion of treatment, you will be given an epicrisis with the terms of treatment, the name of the operation, data of control examinations, recommendations for treatment in the postoperative period, including recommendations for the duration of disability.