Treatment of keratoconus

BritishX keratoconus treatment - first results in 12 minutes

The equipment of our centre makes it possible to diagnose keratoconus at an early stage.

How dangerous is keratoconus for you?

Keratoconus is a time bomb in your body. This non-inflammatory eye disease causes the cornea to degenerate and change its shape – it thins and becomes cone-shaped. The biggest danger of keratoconus for you is a significant deterioration of your vision. You may lose the ability to drive a car, and in complicated cases – even to read.The disease is accompanied by blurred vision, photophobia, itching, diplopia (double vision) and other symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life. Without proper treatment, progression of the disease can lead to severe complications and require surgical intervention, which is not always successful.

What happens if left untreated?

In most cases, the development of keratoconus leads to severe complications that pose a real threat to your health and visual acuity, up to complete loss of visual function. Among such complications:

If you do not take urgent measures or use ineffective treatment, powerful pathological processes will inevitably start in your body, which will lead to serious disorders of visual function. Violation of the integrity of the cornea can cause irreversible consequences in the tissues of the eye and lead to complete loss of vision. Only adequate and timely treatment can stop this process.

Golovna causa keratoconusu?

Absolutely all processes in your body are controlled by the brain. The cells of your brain receive information from all organs and systems, analyse this information, develop the necessary reaction and transmit the appropriate orders to various organs of your body via nerve cells.

Keratoconus (like any other disease) arises from a combination of different factors. These factors lead to malfunctioning of certain parts of the brain and disruption of neural connections. In other words, the brain stops giving the ‘right’ orders for your visual system to work properly, which leads to keratoconus and then to the more serious consequences mentioned above.

How to defeat keratoconus as quickly as possible?

In the 21st century, an effective and safe method of treating keratoconus appeared – cross-linking, or cross-linking of corneal collagen molecules. The method proved to be life-saving for vision and the ability to lead an active life – after all, patients with keratoconus are usually young people under 40-45 years old. Cross-linking was invented in Switzerland and consists in irradiating the cornea, which has been previously impregnated with riboflavin, with ultraviolet light. The depth of UV exposure is strictly dosed. The result is the compaction of the cornea, stopping its stretching. Thus, the disease stops. Then there is a gradual flattening of the cornea, which is manifested by an improvement in visual acuity.

We strictly adhere to the traditions of European medicine. Treatment is carried out using original equipment developed by the author of the cross-linking method, Swiss ophthalmologist Theo Seiler. The BritishX method is a development of British scientists, it consists of a special standard that regulates the time of the device and the drugs used. Treatment with this method is possible only at the German Eye Clinic. Our specialists, who introduced the method more than 12 years ago, have been trained in European corneal pathology departments. Our doctors have provided successful treatment to more than 28,000 patients with keratoconus in Ukraine, the Baltic States, Europe and the UK. We use modified Theo Seiler techniques that minimise the time of UV exposure to the cornea. This makes it possible to accelerate the recovery of the patient’s well-being after the corneal cross-linking procedure for keratoconus, as well as for other types of pathological corneal thinning. We use only original riboflavin solutions in the treatment of keratoconus.

The result of our work is to stop the progression of the disease in all patients. Gradual improvement in vision is observed in 99.5% of patients treated with the BritishX method.

An important success factor is timely and correct diagnosis of keratoconus. The equipment of the “German eye clinic” allows to establish the diagnosis of keratoconus with a high probability at the earliest stages.

Our methods and approaches to diagnosis and treatment keratoconus allowed a huge number of young people in Europe to preserve their eyesight and active life. We offer the best that is available in modern ophthalmology to the patients of our clinic!

Contact us

If you still have questions, call our friendly call center or make an appointment for a full diagnostic followed by a consultation.