Cataract treatment


A new method of cataract removal with dispersed solutions

Successful cataract surgery

What is the difference between GENIUS ADVANCED and conventional cataract microsurgery?

  • Controlled, proven work technology. Each step of the operation takes place quickly and clearly, so the operation will last no more than five minutes.
  • Safety. Independent quality control. During the operation, all surgical actions, every step of the team, as well as the digital data of the medical equipment are electronically recorded and transmitted to the German control office, where the microsurgeon’s work is checked and the quality of medical care is monitored.
  • High-quality, premium brands of intraocular lenses from leading manufacturers. The standard of our cataract surgery involves removing the natural lens and replacing it with a synthetic intraocular lens (IOL). IOL lenses perfectly mimic the natural lenses of the eye, making them an excellent option for this type of surgery. Different lenses are available for different vision problems and your surgeon will be able to advise you on the best option for you. There are many different types of lenses, and the option that is best for you will be discussed during the consultation. A series of diagnostic tests determine the exact characteristics of custom lenses. When choosing lenses, we also analyze your lifestyle and visual requirements – all with an accuracy of a few degrees and hundredths of a part. Our clinic uses only high-quality brands and models of premium intraocular lenses from leading manufacturers.
  • No pain. The anesthesiologist will administer local anesthesia to keep you comfortable during surgery. You will also be offered light sedation, which will help you relax during the procedure.
  • European quality standard. All our surgeons have completed mandatory training courses and internships in Germany; the strictest treatment protocols adopted by the EU are followed.
  • A team of professionals. Professors, surgeons, consultants, medical engineers, operating nurses, administrative and other medical personnel.